Blue Prints

Blue Prints

Blue Prints is the service that we offer.

You may be looking to focus on one thing or looking to improve life overall. These plans are for where you’re at and we offer a customised service each time.

We focus on what you want, pointing out areas of life you hadn’t considered like for example starting your own business or trying out an ideal partner when you were looking at expanding what you’re doing at work. You don’t have to go that direction, but we look at possibilities you may not have thought of. Ultimately you choose how much you work with us.

Blue Prints

Quick search of the Blue Prints

Give me an abundance of:


– Let’s get organised
– Path to your dream job
– Business coaching
– Student coaching


– Pathway to your dream job
– Business coaching
– Healthy wealthy and wise
– Artistic success
– Successful Sales person training


– Ideal partner list
– Our marriage/ family plan


– Pathway to dream job
– Ideal partner list
– Our marriage/ family plan

Artists success

Are you or want to be a professional artist? You can turn your creativity into your full-time job. Customise your business around your art and not sell out but commercialise your skills and dedication to earn you money.

Path to your dream job

Are you looking for a new job, getting a promotion or raise, or changing job or field? This is not to train in new skills but to use the skills knowledge and experience to get where you want in your career and getting those mental road blocks out of the way.

Our Marriage/ family plan.

Have you noticed that the paths in life differ from your partners or getting married and want to plan your success? Then in any other circumstances you would come up with a plan and review with all the relevant stake holders and revise where needed. Be setup to succeed and ensure paths are going the same direction for all involved.

Healthy wealthy and wise.

Balance your finances and overall well-being by planning your activities and life to support the wealth you want.

Let’s get organised.

Regularly late or doing a thousand things, but nothing gets done? Planning to succeed takes out the stress. It’s not just priorities and getting all the attention and small things by the wayside. But knowing that everything is getting done without adding extra hours to your day and getting the relief and relaxing that others seem to get seamlessly.

Non Profit coaching

Are you starting or want to start a community organisation or charity. We have helped with incorporating organisations help designed constitution as well as help set up charities and we can help your group set up your organisation and plan its growth

Ideal partner list

Sick of being single? What’s going on? Why am I attracting the wrong people or worse no one? Firstly we won’t be giving you dating coaching because you only need to get it right once. There’s no need to get good at dating. Design your ideal (not perfect) partner and spot them in a crowd. It stops you looking through the wrong options and focuses on the ideal partner for you.

Student coaching.

This isn’t for or to replace tutors but break free of educational restraint. Find out how the system works and design a process to work with it. Cope with stress before it hits. Understand how to get the best out of teachers and tutors.

Small business coaching

Starting a business or running a business on your own with no time or not enough money to get help. We offer coaching and back it up with resources to expand what you’re up to and help support you to get more staff, time and the reins of your business back in your hands.

Medium business

Are you ready to get past a few staff and build an enterprise with a team and a manager that allows you to become the casual or try out a new idea? We plan for the moved from small business to medium with a blue print to grow beyond.

Executive coaching

Are you in the corporate world? This plan is around the networks or staff, manager, clients and the departments that need to come together and how to pull it all in the same direction.

Successful sales person training

Have you got a sales role for work or looking to be trained in face to face selling to improve your sales? This training is designed elevate your performance and hit and surpass targets. Have confidence with customers and the experience where the customer does the real selling.


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About Us

Gerard has had 12 years of experience in coaching in both Personal Development as well as business training, salesmanship, user documentation/ manual making, coaching, planning, and marketing.

Gerard is our primary coach and attends expos, conferences, and training to maintain the focus on having up to date resources and contacts, especially in the small business arena.

Copyright 2023 by Abundance Call. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2023 by Abundance Call. All rights reserved.