A little about me.

September 15, 2023

Hi I’m Gerard a coach here at Abundance Call. For those of you who don’t know me I want to give you a bit of background about who I am and where I got to, to be able to coach and get the results I do.

I grew up in Riverstone in north western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. I went to Bede Polding College in South Windsor, studied at Tafe in IT, web design, user documentation. I have been in the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme ( an Australian program to helping people create their own business) three times and have a certificate IV in Small business management.

I have participated, assisted and coach in many capacities through Landmark Worldwide. I have participated and coached through eQ events. This is the main source of my passion for having people fulfilling their dreams and living in the experience of successfulness.

I’ve been coaching for over a decade now and what has changed for me is becoming a resourcer. What that means is I actively look for and keep up to date with business tools, programs and business that offer services. I do this also for non business side but most options for business are rapidly changing.

I decided to coach when I asked myself what is my purpose. I would say I’m someone who likes to work with people on having their dreams come true.

I’m clean a clear plan and development of habits that support it are the key to getting where you want to be.

Abundance coaching and the name of the business came out of calls I did to help people in a course where they create a project over 3 months. The common problem was they just didn’t have enough of something funds, resources, people to help and just sometimes the energy to get it done.

So the call was designed to get them out of this lack mindset and see naturally the abundance. These calls were so effective that people who were on Centrelink found the money to travel and accommodation. Many people who were too busy, became very productive and their time freed up. Call after call they got amazing results.

It wasn’t until a friend called and we talked about his loss of satisfaction and loss of direction. That I brought life coaching years of personal development and abundance together. The result of that even today he hasn’t been stopped by the corona virus and still heading to his plan.


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About Us

Gerard has had 12 years of experience in coaching in both Personal Development as well as business training, salesmanship, user documentation/ manual making, coaching, planning, and marketing.

Gerard is our primary coach and attends expos, conferences, and training to maintain the focus on having up to date resources and contacts, especially in the small business arena.

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Copyright 2023 by Abundance Call. All rights reserved.